Sciences Po Rennes offers support in preparing several high-level civil service entrance exams, via the Prépa INSP, Prépa ENM and Talents programs.

Preparatory programs for the Institut national du service public (INSP) and high-level civil service entrance exams
Sciences Po Rennes is a certified preparation center for INSP entrance exams.
The INSP preparatory program is a selective degree course for fourth-year political science students that confers both a Sciences Po Rennes degree and a Master’s equivalent degree. Students who hold a Master’s degree can also apply.
By completing a program at the preparation center, students are in excellent condition to sit other high-level national, regional and hospital-specific civil service entrance exams (Institut national d’études territoriales, parliamentary administrative staff, regional auditing consultants, defence commissaries and more).
The center also prepares candidates from the public and private sectors who have successfully completed the INSP preliminary entrance exam and are directed to Rennes to then complete an internal preparatory program or third entrance exam.
Preparatory program for the Ecole nationale de la magistrature
The Judicial Decision-making and Public Authority at the ENM Master’s program is designed for students who wish to sit the entrance exam for France’s National School of the Judiciary, or ENM. Courses for this selective degree program are divided between the Ecole normale supérieure (ENS) in Rennes and Sciences Po Rennes.
Students enrolled in this program are also eligible to apply for other major state civil service entrance exams, such as police commissioning or prison service management, which require skills similar to those acquired during the ENM preparatory program.
The course, offered jointly by the École Normale Supérieure de Rennes and Université de Rennes 1, is taught by university-level research professors, other faculty, researchers and outside professionals, including acting magistrates. Classes in personal management and professional communications are offered.

The Talents program
Talents programs help underprivileged students prepare to sit the entrance exams for France’s civil service grandes écoles. Scholarship students in three-year and Master’s degree programs aiming for a career in the civil service are selected on the basis of merit, previously earned diplomas and financial resources.
Students who live and have completed schooling or a university degree in a priority underprivileged neighborhood, a rural regeneration area, or a French overseas region are given priority for enrollment in Talents programs. This also applies to mature students.
The course is free and taught by active professionals. Candidates explore civil service culture, train using role play exercises and case studies. During the program, students receive:
- extensive tutoring from student interns enrolled in a civil service degree or an already posted civil servant;
- €4,000 in financial assistance in addition to the means-tested scholarship;
- solutions for housing and meal plans.
Interested in joining the senior civil service at the national or regional level with a Talents preparatory program ? Contact the INSP preparation center in Rennes today !
- For more information, contact: @email
- Registration form